Monday, May 30, 2011

Stats for May 30

Weight: 216 lbs.

Activity: Not much. I did do biceps & shoulders again but no time on treadmill, no cardio, etc. Looking forward to 3-4 hours of walking desk tomorrow. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Stats for May 29

Weight: 214 lbs.
Activity: 40 min on treadmill, 3.11 miles, 472 calories burned.

Also did the Boulder Hash House Harriers event today, which was a "pick-up" Hash. Everyone assembled at the start, and the initial hare got a 5-lb bag of flour and a 5-minute head start. Once we caught him, the "catcher" got the bag and a 4-minute head start. And so on. Think the ultimate impact was somewhere between 3.5 and 5 miles of mostly walking/hiking/wading across hip-deep "creeks". Good times. :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Stats for May 28

Didn't get as much done as I'd hoped for a variety of reasons but ended the day reasonably well with a 32-min hill climb (5-8% slope) on the treadmill. And I did get in some yardwork and some weight training so I'm OK.

Weight: 217
  • Treadmill: 32 min, 1.75 miles, 302 calories
  • 45 min yardwork
  • Decent biceps and shoulders workout

Stats for May 27

Weight: 213.
Activity: 2 hrs 20 min on the treadmill, 5.3 miles covered, 817 calories burned.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stats for May 26

Weight: 218
Activity: 2 hrs on the treadmill, 4.1 miles covered, 605 calories burned.

Not as lean, still a Marine

I used to be in the Marines - 7 years including two as a USMC Drill Instructor. At one point I was at 170 lbs, running 20+ miles a week at a 7-min mile pace, benching 225 for reps and leg pressing over 1,000 lbs. I had a 32-in waist and a 46-in  chest. In other words, I was a pretty prototypical Marine.

Then I got a sedentary job, and got old, and a bunch of other issues. So now I look about what I looked like in high school, which is not really what I'm looking for.

Two things have come up that have caused me to rethink things. The first is a challenge from a bunch of my jarhead buddies to run as close as possible to a perfect physical fitness test by our 40th birthdays. I'm already 40 so I'm using one of theirs, in August 2011. A perfect score for when we were in requires 20 pullups in a single go, 80 situps (or I may sub the current 100 crunches) in 2 min, and a 3-mile run in under 18 min.

The second was an epiphany I had recently the details I won't go into here. But suffice that I intend to apply my will, my discipline, and my spare time to radically rearchitecting myself physically. And since I respond well to tracking and to stimulus, both positive and negative, I intend to do this in a very public way.


My workouts will include some or all of the following:

  • I have a treadmill and have converted it into a working desk. I typically walk at 2 mph at 2-4% incline and can do that for hours at a stretch. 
  • I will also power-walk and run on the treadmill before/after working hours. 
  • I have free weights and will be doing very basic workouts - bench press, triceps/biceps curl, shoulder presses, lunges
  • I have jump ropes, both normal and weighted
  • I taught, and will return to, the USMC "Daily 7" including the world-famous "X-count bodybuilders". For an example of this see

At least every day I will publish what I did and where I am. I will do these posts at night before I go to bed so I'm consistent and so my workouts are done for the day. I will also try to post pics, as regrettable as they may be at the start of this process. I have a number of goals for this project but one in particular stands out - I wanna see if I can get fit enough to fit in my dress blues as they were tailored the day I got out of the Marines in 1996.

This is an extraordinarily personal blog, so even though it is connected through the magic of Blogger/Google to my professional accounts, I don't intend to do professional stuff here. Anything you, the reader, choose to read into this or into my professional account through this is up to you.