Thursday, May 26, 2011

Not as lean, still a Marine

I used to be in the Marines - 7 years including two as a USMC Drill Instructor. At one point I was at 170 lbs, running 20+ miles a week at a 7-min mile pace, benching 225 for reps and leg pressing over 1,000 lbs. I had a 32-in waist and a 46-in  chest. In other words, I was a pretty prototypical Marine.

Then I got a sedentary job, and got old, and a bunch of other issues. So now I look about what I looked like in high school, which is not really what I'm looking for.

Two things have come up that have caused me to rethink things. The first is a challenge from a bunch of my jarhead buddies to run as close as possible to a perfect physical fitness test by our 40th birthdays. I'm already 40 so I'm using one of theirs, in August 2011. A perfect score for when we were in requires 20 pullups in a single go, 80 situps (or I may sub the current 100 crunches) in 2 min, and a 3-mile run in under 18 min.

The second was an epiphany I had recently the details I won't go into here. But suffice that I intend to apply my will, my discipline, and my spare time to radically rearchitecting myself physically. And since I respond well to tracking and to stimulus, both positive and negative, I intend to do this in a very public way.


My workouts will include some or all of the following:

  • I have a treadmill and have converted it into a working desk. I typically walk at 2 mph at 2-4% incline and can do that for hours at a stretch. 
  • I will also power-walk and run on the treadmill before/after working hours. 
  • I have free weights and will be doing very basic workouts - bench press, triceps/biceps curl, shoulder presses, lunges
  • I have jump ropes, both normal and weighted
  • I taught, and will return to, the USMC "Daily 7" including the world-famous "X-count bodybuilders". For an example of this see

At least every day I will publish what I did and where I am. I will do these posts at night before I go to bed so I'm consistent and so my workouts are done for the day. I will also try to post pics, as regrettable as they may be at the start of this process. I have a number of goals for this project but one in particular stands out - I wanna see if I can get fit enough to fit in my dress blues as they were tailored the day I got out of the Marines in 1996.

This is an extraordinarily personal blog, so even though it is connected through the magic of Blogger/Google to my professional accounts, I don't intend to do professional stuff here. Anything you, the reader, choose to read into this or into my professional account through this is up to you.


  1. Try p90x. It is a good reintroduction and will kick your butt. I guarantee you'll be surprised.

    Rob G.

  2. I've heard of it but not sure I'm ready for that - need to lay some foundational work first. Hence lots of pushups, pullups, lunges, crunches, dips, etc. Once I get a solid month or so in at this higher activity level I'll look at it and I also know people who swear by Crossfit and various kettleball workouts.
